Friday, 28 October 2016

Filming: improvisation

We found that it was very easy to improvise some shots despite having a script breakdown and storyboards which included all of the shots we planned to film. While filming all of the essential shots for our music video we also filmed those that weren't originally planned. For example we experimented more with different types of shot e.g. if we had planned a medium shot of Julian playing on a game console we also filmed close-ups and different angles in order to include a wider variety of shots which we could chose from when it came to editing in order to get the best possible combination.

We originally only had two shots planned of the necklace falling (one in his hand and one falling to the floor. Although when it came to the time of the shoot we found it much more effective and interesting to include a shot of him holding the necklace in a medium close up, loosening his grip in a closeup and then the shot of the necklace falling to the floor which enabled us to include continuity in our music video.

Both Sophie and Julian are very talented actors and therefore they helped us to improvise some shots as well. For example when Julian's character has seen Sophie's character being unfaithful he drops the necklace. However Julian was also able to cry on cue and therefore we asked him to do so while dilimc his face in close up which is a very emotional and effective shot.

When Rhiann and I arrived at Julian's house to film the piano shots, we noticed that there was a stone ornament near his house which provided natural framing in the form of an arc which we then decided to use for some of our singing into camera shots. We also filmed some shots of Julian aggressively walking through leaves which we thought would show a natural angry response to being heartbroken.

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