The screenshot to the left shows Rhiann asking Julian what days of the week he was free in the October half term from the 21st of October to the 31st. Our actor was an extremely busy person as he is a full time college student with regular driving lessons as well as participating in extra curricular activities such as drama which meant he had to perform shows in the evening.
Rhiann and I originally schedules to shoot on a Monday the 24th of October with Sophie, Julian and Joe and Tuesday the 25th of October with just Julian.
However on 23rd of October, our star image informed us he only had an hour and a half free on the 24th October due to a change in his plans and shows hes performing in.
Therefore my partner and I organised which days he had the most amount of hours free on were and we discovered they were the 25th and the 27th of October so we informed our female role and she happily agreed.
Neither me nor Rhiann had a piano at our house and therefore we asked one of our actors (Julian, playing the role of Ben) if we could use his piano. We asked him to send a picture of the piano so we could see that it had a sufficient amount of natural lighting as well as being in the right position for us to film it. We decided to go to Julians house on the 3rd day of the shoot.
The group chat was an effective way of organising actors. However when people had plans that conflicted each other and meant that we had to decide on a date and time that suited everyone we found it more helpful to have actual conversations via phone call so that we could discuss more effectively.
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