Monday, 19 December 2016

Group post: creating Twitter for our star image.

How can we get everyone talking and noticing our up and coming star?

Our target audience is teens and young adults of both genders, and what social media app do we use the most to connect - Twitter.

I've created a twitter account for our star image to engage with his fans and create a strong word of mouth about this new star "Ben Austin"

I am using the photos we took on the day of shooting as his twitter picture and header photo to create synergy from the digipak and the poster with his social media. I also set the "theme colour" to grey as that is the colour Rhiann and I have decided to use with hints of blue.

I think it is crucial we create an online presence for our star image as we are the online digital age.

McDougall suggests that "in an online age it is getting harder to conceive a media audience as a stable, identifiable group" However, the development of a new online age is particularly relevant to our younger TA. Although it may be difficult to measure consumption, we can assume that the biggest consumers of online media are the younger generation. Our main target audience are 16-21 year olds. Therefore, we have decided to create the twitter page in order to reach these members of our target audience and promote Ben through a form of media which we know is popular. 

Draft 10: Digipak

Draft 9: Digipak

Draft 8: Digipak

Monday, 5 December 2016

Draft 1: digipak advert

Target audience feedback

I asked 12 members of our target audience questions which they responded to, after watching our music video. The results are shown below.  

Our genre for our music video was pop acoustic. Most of the target audience thought that the genre was pop. I think that this may have been due to the fact that the pop acoustic genre is a sub genre which falls into the pop genre and the majority of the target audience may not recognise the conventions of a pop acoustic music video because it is considerably more "niche". Upon reflection, perhaps we should have included more shots of the piano, which is a common convention of the pop acoustic genre. 

100% of the target population said that there was a strong star image created throughout the music video. One member of the target audience said that the star image was easily identified because of the "close-ups". Therefore, the music video can be considered a success because we were able to launch the star image through the music video. 

100% of the target audience agreed that there was visible synergy between the music video and the ancillary products. Most of the target audience suggested that this was as a result of the identical fonts used for both the digipak and the digipak adverts. Furthermore, they also praised the use of colours in the ancillary produvts which were synergetic with the colours in the music video. 

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Traget audience research analysis: Question 6 - How would you imagine a poster of a Pop Acoustic artist?

From this audience feedback, I was slightly disappointed as the majority wanted "dull" which limits my creativity,
however I would prefer to have a more upbeat poster to reflect the upcoming artist in a positive way.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Target audience research analysis: Question 5 - When a new artist is coming into the industry, what do you think is crucial that they have to do?

The majority of the target audience suggested that a new artists should have a social media site in order to promote themselves. Social media includes: Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Social media is used for artists to promote their new material as well as staying connected to their fans. The sites are places for fans to discuss their favourite artist and their music. 

James Arthur has recently released a new album 'Back From The Edge'. He is using his Twitter page to promote his album. For example, both the twitter display picture and the header are pictures of the album and his biography has a link to buy the album. This is a clever use of social media to promote album to a younger audience. 

The target audience also suggested that an album should be released including good music. This comment may be vague but we would hope that Ben Austin would release a song that fans of the Pop Acoustic genre would like which would result in him developing a substantial fan-base. 

Target audience research analysis: Question 4 - Do you ever buy CD's?

The majority of our younger target audience (16-17 years of age) do not buy CD's. This is possibly due to the fact that we are living in an age were everything can be streamed digitally. E.g the growing popularity of Spotify, Youtube and iTunes. 

Some members of the target audience suggested that they 'used to' by CD's however as streaming has become much easier than going out to the shop to my a CD in its physical form this has subsided. 

One member of the target audience said 'Yes, if it is an artist that I love than yes'. Artists with a large fan base are able to gain a lot of support in terms of physical album sales, because fans want a physical copy of the CD for nostalgic reasons. 

Taylor Swift did not put her new album '1989' on Spotify. However, she has so many dedicated fans that her album sold over 1 million copies and became the best selling album since 2002. 

The screenshot from the article suggests that despite the modern age where we stream music digitally she still  managed to break records. However, out artist 'Ben Austin' is a newly launched star and doesn't have a large fan base, so we would also have to release his music on streaming sites as well as a physical CD in order to expand is listeners. 

I often discover music on Spotify because the site offers playlists of genres. I was listening to a Country playlist and discovered a newly formed duo called the 'Shires' who were based in the Uk which I had never heard of before. Listening to one of their songs made me listen to their album. Then I followed them on twitter and saw a tweet about their new upcoming album which I then bought. This personal experience also shows that it is important that we use a range of social media to promote out star. 

Target audience research analysis: Question 3 - What is your opinion of using a split screen on a music video with two storylines going on?

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Final Cut Pro X: more issues with synching

After adding a cross dissolve on to a single shot the beginning and end of the dissolve connects 3 shots together in a smoother transition. However, this editing technique appears to link all the shots together and it is now very difficult to move each shot independent of each other.

The shot below of our star singing into camera then became out of sync with the music track.
This was quite frustrating as we are aware that the synching process takes a long time. I had to move the clip above the the main time line of shots and then use markers to mark the point that Julian started to sing on the shot and the point in time where Ed Sheeran starts singing on the original track. This was made even more difficult due to the fact that we had already disabled the audio from the film clip. I eventually marked the point of singing and then proceeded to perfectly match up the two markers. Once completed, it was then a challenge to move the shot of  Julian into the main time line without disrupting other clips and the transitions.

Research: digipak, back cover.

Planning: The conventions of a digipk on thinglink.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

First draft of logos for production company.

Final Cut Pro X: adding transitions - problems with synching

After adding this blur transition in between the shot of Sophie's eyes and the trees we found that the lip synching of Julian became out of sync with the vocals on the track.

Originally the markers that we had added onto the original track and the film were perfectly matched on the time line. However, adding the transition appeared to move the video of Julian singing further on in the time line which then meant that his lip synching was not in time with the original track. This is extremely frustrating as it takes an extremely long time to perfectly sync these up on the time line.

Things to ask the Editor from The Blueprint Film Foundation.

We decided to take this shot of a CCTV clock and add it on to the shot of Sophie looking upwards in order to connote that she is being watched and monitored. We will then add a shot of Sophie's phone with the text message 'Where are you?! I've been calling all night?!' We think that this combination of shots will make the narrative clearer as Julian's character Ben's slighting controlling nature pushes Sophie to find love with someone else. Before, the reason that Sophie (Abby) was unfaithful to Ben was not clear.

An Editor from The Blueprint Film Foundation is coming in on the 29th of October and therefore Rhiann and I will take this opportunity to ask him how to fade the background of the clock in the left corner of the shot into the background of the main shot (Abby rolling her eyes).

His ideas:

Group post: PANIC in editing

As my partner Rhiann was editing the music video, she layered two clips one on top of another and then preceded to disable one clip to watch the original to understand which parts to blade off and use the other clip in them spaces...


the macs are very old so she must have as I clicked to fast as the macs original reaction was to slow, Therefore she clicked another option by accident, and all the clips disappeared and only the clip Rhiann went to disable was there and it was placed over the song.

I felt extremely bad when she told me she thought ALL our hard work had gone, but thank fully the teacher was able to simply press the reel and it was all there.
This experience showed us that things can go wrong with technology that are beyond our control. 

Group post: Using Final Cut Pro X

Before posting my first rough cut on youtube, I had only used the blade tool and slight use of over cranking and under cranking. 

After this first rough cut, I have been trying out new editing techniques, cross dissolve I feel confident with now, however some newer tests is the use of "flash" and "lens flare".
I used flash before the artist begins to start reminiscing on the memories. 

And used lens flare as I panned around the loved up couple in the park and it works very well with the natural lighting. 

I also used the effect of "gaussian" which I'm not even sure what it means, but after tying it out, I think its a good way to introduce the new boy in the music video and "Abbie's" affair.